Quiet Professional T-Shirt Word Pic
What is the Quiet Professional?
The Quiet Professional is a way of life. It is an identity that a select few embrace as the building blocks of life. The Quiet Professional is humble and reserved. They’re confident but not arrogant and despise an unchecked ego. They don’t believe in self promotion or bragging about their achievements. In fact, they will likely downplay them with such lines like “I was simply doing my job”, “I was just in the right place at the right time” and “I couldn’t have done it without my team”.
The Quiet Professional will always put the mission first and let their actions do the talking for them. They will never ask someone to do something they wouldn’t or haven’t done themselves. They hold themselves to the same or higher standard.
In a world full of instant gratification, gas lighting, identity politics, cancel culture, keyboard warriors and pretentiously smug elitist ideology, be the quiet professional.
This shirt, bearing the Daniel Defense DDM4V7s, is tribute to all the quiet professionals out there. The ones who don their armour or vest and keep the wolves from the door every day.
The artwork is printed on a 100% Cotton T-Shirt. Minor shrinkage may occur after the first wash. The model pictured is wearing a large size shirt and is 180cm Tall, 83kg.
Huntsman Aus is the Australian representative for Daniel Defense and is proud to have equipped a range of Australian State and Federal Police units with the DDM4V7s, or similar models.